Бидний тухай
"KHOTULUN BEHI GROUP" has gained a large market in the light industry of Mongolia with its innovative and stylish appearance, clothes and products that fully meet domestic and international standards, and has many customers and clients.
Our company creates manpower and human resources to produce products that meet labor safety norms, standards and safety standards. In addition, long-term sustainable partnerships are based on customer satisfaction, product quality standards and mutual trust.
The mining, construction and other sectors that carry the Mongolian economy on their backs value the skills and abilities of our people and expand our relationship, which is the energy and desire of our team to work. .
I wish you all the best in your online endeavors.
Sincerely, HOTULUN team
Болд Батхишиг
Хөдөлмөр хамгааллын аюулгүй байдлын стандартыг бүрэн хангасан хамт олон
Баярлалаа та бүхэнд
Аливаад үргэлж мэргэжлийн ханддаг мэргэшсэн хамт олонд ажлын өндөр амжилт хүсье
Та бүхний ажил үйлс өөдрөг байг
Ард түмнийг соён гэгээрүүлэх их үйлсэд чадварлаг мэргэжилтнүүд бэлдэж буй манай сургуультай хамтран ажиллаж буй та бүхэнд баярлала.